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A new artificial diet for the early weaning of seabass (<i>Dicentrarchus labrax</i>) larvae OMA
Devresse, B.; Candreva, P.; Léger, P.; Sorgeloos, P..
The weaning of marine fish larvae is a critical step in larval rearing. The successful transition from live food to an artificial feed depends among others on the quality of the dry feed used (e.g. freshness of ingredients, digestibility, quality of the formulation) and the larvae themselves (e.g. age, behaviour towards artificial diets, development of the digestive tract, efficiency of certain metabolic pathways). The present study shows the results obtained with a new artificial diet formulated for the weaning phase of marine fish larvae (<i>Dicentrarchus labrax</i>) in commercial hatcheries.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Artificial feeding; Feed composition; Fish culture; Fish larvae; Hatcheries; Dicentrarchus labrax [Bass].
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Alimentation du merlan Merlangius merlangus L. en Mer Celtique ArchiMer
Du Buit, Marie-henriette; Merlina, Frédéric.
The importance of predation by the whiting (Merlangius merlangus ) from the Celtic Sea has been studied by analysis of stomach contents. Eight hundred and thirteen whitings have been examined during 1984-1986 period. Fish food totalizes 97% of food. It is chiefly a swimming species: no cannibalism has been observed. The daily food index varies between 2 and 4% according to the length and the annual consumption on fishes of nominal catches (11230 t for 1983) would reach 135,000 t corresponding to species already fished for human consumption and the fish meal industry.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Celtic Sea; ANE; Gadidae; Pisces; Merlangius merlangus; Predator control; Stomach content; Feed composition; Feeding.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Comment formuler et fabriquer des aliments artificiels pour la pisciculture. OceanDocs
Blé, M.C.; Kervarec, F.; Alla, Y.L..
En aquaculture, l'alimentation représente plus de 50% du coût total de la production. L'apport d'aliment constitue ainsi un maillon essentiel de l'activité aquacole. Une bonne alimentation permet d'optimiser la croissance des poissons et de minimiser les rejets qui des sources de pollution du milieu d'élevage. En élevage intensif, l'aliment quasi-exclusivement apporté sous forme d'aliments composés dans lesquels doit être incorporé l'ensemble des nutriments indispensables à la bonne croissance des poissons. Ce document présente les principales étapes de la formulation et de la fabrication d'un aliment artificiel pour les poissons d'élevage.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Feed composition; Fish culture.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Ensiled <i>Artemia</i> biomass: a promising and practical feed for penaeid shrimp postlarvae OMA
Abelin, P.; Tackaert, W.; Sorgeloos, P..
Unlike <i>Artemia nauplii</i> which are used extensively as convenient live feed in aquaculture, large-scale utilization of <i>Artemia</i> juveniles and adults (biomass) is still very limited and in most cases restricted to those operations which are located near an <i>Artemia</i> production site. Currently applied techniques for preservation of <i>Artemia</i> biomass (e.g. blast-freezing or drying) are often cost prohibitive and in several cases not applicable at the remote and scattered sites where the <i>Artemia</i> biomass is available. An inexpensive technique which can be readily applied under field conditions and allowing to stabilize and retain the nutritional quality of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Crustacean larvae; Developmental stages; Feed composition; Feed preparation; Food organisms; Shrimp culture; Artemia.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Experiences on importance of diet for shrimp postlarval quality OMA
Lavens, P.; Sorgeloos, P..
This paper gives an overview of own experiences with respect to the impact of dietary conditions on the quality of postlarval penaeid shirmp. Direct nutrient-specific effects are documented for highly unsaturated fatty acid (HUFA), phosphatidyl choline (PC) and ascorbic acid (AA). Specific immunostimulants may also contribute to an improved stress resistance of the shrimp fry. Last, but not least, some emphasis is placed on the role of the microflora during the hatchery rearing, the possible reduction of bacteria in the live food adminstered, and the use of probionts through the diet.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal nutrition; Condition factor; Diets; Disease resistance; Feed composition; Microorganisms; Polyunsaturated fatty acids; Rearing; Shrimp culture; Vitamin C; Artemia; Penaeidae [Penaeid shrimps].
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Investigation into the probable use of water hyacinth (Eichornia Crassipes) in tilapia feed formulation. OceanDocs
Igbinosun, J.E.; Roberts, O.O.; Amako, D..
The possibility of wholly or partially replaced wheat offals with dried water hyacinth meal in the diets of Tilapia zillii fingerlings was investigated. Four diets, A, B., C and D were formulated. Diet A contain 45% wheat offal in addition to fishmeal and soyabean meal as sources of protein. B and C were diets in which 100% and 50% of the wheat offals were replaced by dried water hyacinth meal respectively. Diet D had 80% water hyacinth meal and an additional 18% Casein as the only other source protein. Results of four weeks feeding trial showed that Tilapia zillii fingerlings would not ingest diet D containing 80% water hyacinth meal without the addition of fishmeal. Water hyacinth meal could not wholly replace wheat offals in Tilapia diets unless at...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Feed preparation; Feed composition; Feed composition; Http://
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Manipulated yeast diets as a partial algal substitute for the nursery culture of the hard clam <i>Mercenaria mercenaria</i> OMA
Coutteau, P.; Hadley, N.H.; Manzi, J.; Sorgeloos, P..
Rearing bivalve molluscs in commercial hatchery and nursery systems has so far relied on the production of live algae, which is costly and often unpredictable. Therefore the development of satisfactory artificial diet would greatly reduce the operating costs of bivalve operations. The development of techniques to improve the nutritional composition and digestibility of yeasts resulted in a product with great potential as a substitute for unicellular algae. Previous work on the Manila clam <i>Tapes semidecussata</i> showed that replacing 80% of the algae by these manipulated yeasts resulted in growth rates of 64 to 93% in comparison with the growth rate obtained for the algal control. In the present study a standard culture test for evaluating...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Clam culture; Diets; Feed composition; Feeding experiments; Food preferences; Hatcheries; Invertebrate larvae; Rearing.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Maturation performance, offspring quality and lipid composition of <i>Macrobrachium rosenbergii</i> females fed increasing levels of dietary phospholipids OMA
Cavalli, R.O.; Menschaert, G.; Lavens, P.; Sorgeloos, P..
The effects of increasing levels of dietary phospholipids (PL) on the reproductive performance, egg and larval quality, and lipid composition of females of the freshwater prawn <i>Macrobrachium rosenbergii</i> were investigated. Three isolipidic diets containing similar amounts of highly unsaturated fatty acids but varying levels of PL (0.8, 2.4 and 4.6%) were fed during 180 days to three groups of eight females originating from Thai ponds. No significant differences were observed for fecundity, egg size and hatchability, starved larvae size, and size, survival and tolerance to stress of 8 day-old larvae. Similarly, no major differences in the lipid composition of the midgut gland, ovaries and muscle tissue of females could be detected. Results...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal nutrition; Brood stocks; Complex lipids; Diets; Eggs; Feed composition; Feeding experiments; Females; Prawn culture; Sexual maturity; Sexual reproduction; Macrobrachium rosenbergii; Thailand.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Morphotypes, structure trophique et état de maturité de la nématofaune de la lagune de Bizerte OceanDocs
Mahmoudi, E.; Beyrem, H.; Boufahja, F.; Essid, N.; Hedfi, A.; Aissa, P..
Dix stations côtières ont été prospectées dans la lagune de Bizerte en hiver 2001 pour étudier l’impact des conditions environnementales sur les plans morphométrique, trophique et de maturité des nématodes méiobenthiques. Nos résultats montrent que la croissance en largeur des nématodes libres a été proportionnelle aux charges sédimentaires en fraction fine et en métaux et ce parallèlement à l’individualisation de quatre morphotypes nématologiques. D’autre part, la structure trophique de la nématofaune est liée à la turbidité et aux concentrations des eaux en nitrites. En effet, la proportion en détritivores sélectifs, principalement bactériophages, au sein des communautés nématologiques, est positivement corrélée à la concentration des eaux en nitrites et...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Environmental effects; Feed composition; Indicator species; Pollution monitoring; Sedimentation; Sexual maturity; Turbidity; Nematoda; Environmental impact; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Nutritive value of corn silage from intensive dairy farms in Brazil R. Bras. Zootec.
de Oliveira,Isabella Lasmar; Lima,Luciana Miranda; Casagrande,Daniel Rume; Lara,Márcio André Stefanelli; Bernardes,Thiago Fernandes.
ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to characterize the nutritive value of corn silage made on intensive dairy farms and demonstrate the nutritional variations between silages located at the top and at the center of a bunker silo. Thirty-two dairy farms were visited in four Brazilian states. One corn bunker silo of each farm was chosen and samples were collected from the top and center parts. The nutritive value, fermentation end-products, and microbial counts were assessed. The predicted milk was determined by Milk2006 spreadsheet. The mean, standard deviation, maximum, minimum, and 95% confidence interval of all data were calculated. The ash, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), starch, in vitro NDF, and dry matter (DM) digestibility data were compared...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aerobic deterioration; Feed composition; Feed sampling; Maize silage.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Palatability enhancing nutrients for the European eel, <i>Anguilla anguilla</i> L. OMA
Pacolet, W.; Reynders, K.; Ollevier, F.P..
Feeding experiments with European glass eels <i>Anguilla anguilla</i> L. demonstrated a high degree of attractiveness for the natural diets Tubifix and cod roe. Previous experiments had indicated that incorporation of bovine spleen and/or blood into paste feeds significantly improved the growth rate and survival. To increase feed consumption, the effect of some basic components available from the current generation of chemo-attractants were evaluated. Using a modified Omission Test Procedure, we focused on monosodiumglutamate, betaine, the nucleotides IMP and GMP, and fractions of cattle blood. These components were incorporated into non-attractive casein-based test diets and administered following standardized procedures to intensively...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Feed composition; Fish culture; Food additives; Food consumption; Food organisms; Nutritive value; Organoleptic properties.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Pesca exploratoria del recurso dorado (Coryphaena hippurus) frente a la costa ecuatoriana durante marzo de 2008 OceanDocs
Herrera, M.; Coello, D.; Peralta, M.; Cajas, J.; Castro, R.; Elías, E.; Chavarría, J..
Del 2 al 14 de marzo de 2008 se realizó el Crucero T08/03/01 durante el cual se efectuaron nueve lances de pesca entre 01°24.5’ N - 03°12.0’ S y entre 081°08.6’ W - 082°56.1’ W, empleando un palangre de superficie doradero. Oceanográficamente se determinó la profundización de la termoclina lo cual favoreció el ingreso de ATS en toda la columna de agua hasta los 40 m de profundidad, lo que explicaría las bajas capturas de dorado obtenidas. El índice de abundancia determinó una mayor efectividad de los anzuelos No. 4 y 5 en cuanto a número de organismos por lance, mientras que en relación a la talla no se observan diferencias en la captura para todos los anzuelos. La pesca incidental tuvo una incidencia mínima en lo referente a tiburones, rayas y peces óseos...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Exploratory fishing; By catch; Feed composition; Longlining; Cruise reports.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Pesca exploratoria del recurso dorado (Coryphaena hippurus) frente a la costa ecuatoriana durante marzo de 2010 OceanDocs
Herrera, M.; Coello, D.; Peralta, M.; Elías, E.; Cajas, J.; Castro, R.; Pesantes, F.; Chavarría, J..
Del 9 al 21 de marzo de 2010, se realizó el Crucero T10/03/01 durante el cual se efectuaron 10 lances de pesca entre 01º21.39' N-03º 02.55' S y entre las longitudes 080º 32.20' W-082º 57.08' W, empleando un palangre de superficie doradero. En los lances realizados frente a Esmeraldas y Manabí, se registraron las mayores capturas, con especímenes con mayor talla y peso promedio, con una temperatura superficial promedio de 27 ºC y termoclina ubicada entre los 10 y 50 m de profundidad con la isoterma de 20 ºC, próxima a la profundidad de cala de la línea de pesca. Hacia el sur (lances 7 al 10), ubicados frente al sur de Manabí, Península de Santa Elena y Golfo de Guayaquil. Las capturas estuvieron representadas por especímenes con talla y peso promedio...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Exploratory fishing; Cruise reports; Biological sampling; Longlining; Thermocline; Feed composition; Stomach content; By catch.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Utilisation des huiles végétales en pisciculture en remplacement des huiles de poisson: cas de l'huile de palme dans l'alimentation des juvéniles du poisson-chat Heterobranchus longifilis. OceanDocs
Otchoumou, K.A.; Blé, M.C.; Alla, Y.L.; Corraze, Généviève.
L'incorporation d'huile de palme à 9% dans l'alimentation des juvéniles de Heterobranchus longifilis permet d'obtenir une bonne croissance chez ces poissons. Cet intrant disponible à moindre coût pourrait être utilisé dans l'alimentation des poissons en remplacement de l'huile de poisson. Ce qui permettrait de réduire le coût de production lié à l'alimentation.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Feeding behaviour; Feeding experiments; Feed composition.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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